

Youthfest is Abundant Life’s largest annual camp. Over the years, it has grown from strength to strength and has become the spiritual peak of the year for many Youth. Join us again this December for a Spirit-filled week of Worship, Outreach, Seminars, Sports, Activities, and much more. 

See you there.

Jeugfees is die grootste jaarlikse kamp wat deur Abundant Life aangebied word. Deur die jare het dit gegroei van krag tot krag en het die geestelike hoogtepunt van die jaar vir baie Jeugdiges geword. Ons sien jou weer hierdie Desember vir ‘n Geesvervulde week van Aanbidding, Uitreiking, Seminare, Sport, Aktiwiteite en vele meer. 

Sien julle daar.









YouthFest Registration / JeugFees Registrasie

  • Please make sure you follow the registration instructions carefully and that you fill in and submit all required forms.
  • Volg asb. die registrasie instruksies sogvuldig en maak seker dat al die nodige vorms ingevul en ingestuur word.
  • Please Note: There are separate registration forms for YouthFest and Facilitators to simplify administration.
  • Let wel: Daar is ‘n aparte registrasie vorms vir JeugFees en Fasiliteerders om administrasie te vergemaklik.



Step 1: Download, print and fill in the forms. The “PACK LIST” and “RULES” documents are for your information only and need not be submitted with your registration. You will need your ID document or card also.

Step 2: Scan or take a CLEAR photo of each of the forms to submit them in step 4.

Step 3: Calculate your total camp fee per the table below and make payment via your bank. Obtain your proof of payment during this process, which will also be submitted in step 4.

Step 4: Click the “Registration” link below. It should take you to an online Google form that needs to be filled in. This is your registration form. While filling out this form, you will have the opportunity to attach the documents from steps 2 and 3. Once completed, your registration information and forms are sent to us.

For YouthFest / Vir Jeugfees:
• YouthFest Forms / Vorms
• Online YouthFest Registration / Aanlyn JeugFees Registrasie

Only for Facilitators / Slegs vir Fasiliteerders:
• Facilitator Terms & Indemnity Form
• Online YouthFest Registration / Aanlyn JeugFees Registrasie

Fee Calculation / Fooi Berekening:

  • Please make use of the table below to calculate the total fee payable for the camp depending on the required options. 
  • Gebruik asb. die tabel hieronder om U kamp vooi te bereken afhangende van die opsies wat nodig is.

Fee Structure / Fooistruktuur:

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Full boarding / Akkomodasie Ingesluit - R2600
This is the full boarding price and includes all meals for the week. 

Hierdie is die volle instapprys en sluit alle etes vir die week in.

Late Registration / Laat Registrasiefooi - R250

This fee is only payable if you register after 26 November 2024.  

Hierdie fooi is slegs van toepassing as jy registreer na 26 November 2024.

Bus Fee / Bus Fooi - R650

This fee is payable for those taking the bus to and from the camp. Limited seats available. 

Hierdie fooi is betaalbaar vir die wat met die bus sal ry Jeugfees toe en terug. Beperkte aantal sitplekke is beskikbaar. 

Departure / Vertrek:
Advent Centre, 131 Oxford Road,
Bedford Gardens, Gauteng, 2007 
Date / Datum: 8 December 2024,
Time / Tyd: 12:00*

* Departure time is estimated. Updates to be communicated here.

* Vertrektyd word geskat. Opdaterings sal hier gekommunikeer word.

Sabbath meal / Sabbat maaltyd - R55/meal
For each visitors enjoying Sabbath lunch with us.

Vir elke besoeker wat Sabbat middagete saam met ons geniet. 

Bank Details

Abundant Life (Camps)

First National Bank

Cheque account/Tjek rekening: 62395350194

Branch Code/Takkode: 270224

Reference/Verwysing: Name /Naam